Close Help Text Formatting Rules - Documentation Index
Tables: Simple - Advanced
Paragraphs: separated by empty line;
-> to indent text, -< hanging text
Line break: \\ or [[<<]]
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists,
:term:definition for definition lists
Emphasis: ''italics'', '''bold''', '''''bold italics''''',
@@typewriter@@ (monospaced)
Links: [[another page]], [[another page | link text]],
[[]], [[#anchor]]
Groups: [[Group/Page]] displays Page,
[[Group.Page]] displays Group.Page,
[[Group(.Page)]] displays Group
Separators: !, !!, !!! for headings, ---- for horizontal line
Change size: [+...+] is bigger, [-...-] is smaller,
'^superscript^', '_subscript_'
Prevent formatting: [=...=]

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