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Various default site preferences, including access keys and component sizes:

  # Access keys
  'ak_edit'          => 'e',     # edit page
  'ak_history'       => 'h',     # page history
  'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',     # Recent Changes
  'ak_save'          => 's',     # save page
  'ak_saveedit'      => 'u',     # save and keep editing
  'ak_preview'       => 'p',     # preview page
  'ak_em'            => 'i',     # emphasized text (italic)
  'ak_strong'        => 'b',     # strong text (bold)

  # Editing components
  'Site.EditForm' => 'Site.Gemini-EditForm',
  'e_rows' => '20',              # rows in edit textarea
  'e_cols' => '90',              # columns in edit textarea
Creative Commons License

Welcome to; it's my blog, as you might have gathered. I write about food, photos, and other things.

The blog looks best using Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or WebKit. If you use IE or something, and it doesn't look as good, sorry. is powered by PmWiki.