Simon made Laura an impressive Mother's Day card, so I thought I'd describe it in video form. Enjoy... (:vimeo 1049097:)

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4 comments on "Mother’s Day Card Show & Tell"

June 11th, 2008 at 5:22 pm

i think EVERY exclamation point should be replaced with a Z(but then it will look like a fell asleep while typingZ)

Jon (
June 19th, 2008 at 5:55 pm

hahaz what a great ideaz let's do it. reallyz

Francesco Sblendorio (
July 20th, 2008 at 8:48 am

Hi... I was looking for your mail, but I found this... so forgive me if I write you here.

I'm trying to use your "flickrAlbum" plugin for pmwiki on my website:

but... if I use your exact example, it works...

(:flickralbum user=kramerhawks:)

...but trying another userid (i.e. my user id) it doesn't work:

(:flickralbum user=fsblendorio:) (:flickralbum user=14758702@N07:)

...and "fsblendorio" DOES exist:

I thought that FlickrAlbum works only with "pro" accounts, but no... "danez" is a pro account, but this doesn't work:

(:flickralbum user=danez:)

My email is

...could you help me?


Jon (
July 20th, 2008 at 5:30 pm

In case anybody's interested, here's what we figured out: For some reason, Flickr recognizes your "screen name" as your username when it's converting to nsid - so when your name is spelled out, for example, in your screen name, then you have to use the spelled out version including spaces in FlickrAlbum.

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