I just released another version of BlogSimple2 which is (was) (9/07) consistent with what I use on this site.

The new version relies on Page Text Variables instead of categories for the blog to work. Instead of [[!Blog]] in the page, you need to have (:Blog:1:). In addition, in order to execute a pagelist, you need to use $:Blog=1 instead of link=Category.Blog. For example, the following would produce the latest 5 entries in reverse chrono order:

  (:pagelist $:Blog=1 list=blog order=-ctime fmt=#recentblog count=5:)

The new version features some useful changes.

Previously, the page viewed in a pagelist looked quite different from one viewed directly. Now, by using Site.SiteHeader and SiteFooter and Site.BlogMeta, the page template will be the same whether you're viewing the blog using #recentblog pagelist or viewing an individual post. This means that the posts will be styled the same either way, which is a big advantage.

In addition, comments are added on the page itself instead of going to the PostComments page. This seems far less confusing. The comments themselves are still actually stored in the connected PostComments page.

When implementing this new beta version, don't forget to delete former versions of any of the pages in wikilib.d, in particular Site.BlogListTemplates, Site.SiteHeader and Site.SiteFooter, but potentially any of the included pages--otherwise you won't realize the new changes.

Note that I have styled my version such that the metadata appears to the left of the main content. In addition, I am working on a Social Bookmarks list recipe, thus all the little icons (this is not included in the blogsimple2 recipe).

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