Refinishing the deck this year was a total pain. So we stripped it in May, cleaned it and whatnot, and were planning to refinish it right away, but it took us a week or two to figure out how we were going to do that. So then it looked like this...

refinish me

After we figured everything out, then we had the problem of getting time to work on the deck; however, we certainly had several weekends that would've worked. But then it rained... every weekend!

We just couldn't believe it.... the entire summer, it was awesome weather during the week, followed by rain on the weekend.

So we finally hired someone to do it so it could get done before it just got too cold. It still didn't get done until after a few days of very cold weather, but nonetheless, it's finished! (or... refinished...)

refinished deck

Even that was a pain because the contractor decided to try to swindle us out of some money. When they arrived, they tried to say that the amount we agreed on was just for the screen porch (um, I don't think so).

Luckily, Laura had photocopied the agreement, so she just showed it to them and said "well, this really couldn't be any clearer..." and they just said "okay, well, we'll just do it anyway." Whatever.

refinished deck 2

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